Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Opening School

It has been quite sometime since I have blogged, but I wanted to share how we addressed teachers as we welcomed them back to school.  I believe that inspiring our teachers and acknowledging their strengths is what empowers them to grow and improve.  I'd love any constructive feedback and if you can use any of this to help you in your role I am happy to share.

You'll also notice that at the end of the year last year I asked our staff to rate my performance on many different aspects of the role I play as a building principal.  The lowest area of my rating was 'sense of humor' so I tried to lighten the mood with some bad dad jokes for the staff.  It seemed as though they appreciated the effort but they were laughing more at me than the jokes...I can take it.

Also a few of our teachers are starting an #ObserveMe movement to improve not only the instructional practices in our classrooms, but the climate and culture in our building.  As a teacher isn't great to be able to get into another classroom and see something new!?  I wanted to help model this and on the last slide I'm asking for continued anonymous feedback throughout the year on three specific areas.




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