Thursday, January 2, 2014

PLN Blogging Challenge

So yesterday I was asked by Andrew Sharos to be a part of the blogging challenge.  I met Andrew via Twitter.  We both signed up to be a part of +George Couros Virtual Mentorship Program for new or upcoming administrators, and are lucky enough to have @tonysinanis as our mentor.  I have learned a great deal from Andrew and his blog, and have been jealous of his access to the the press box at NFL games.


Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
Share 11 random facts about yourself.
Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
List 11 bloggers.  They should be bloggers you believe deserve a little recognition and a little blogging love!
Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer and let all the bloggers know they’ve been nominated.  (You cannot nominate the blogger who nominated you.)

Eleven facts about myself:

  1. I have two children, Jack and Kate who mean the world to me.
  2. I did not enjoy school growing up, and the older I became the more I disliked school.
  3. The more I hang out with my little sister the cooler I get.   
  4.  I taught 5th Grade for 10 years, but the last four were in an in-class support setting with Dani Marangon.  We had very different teaching styles and she pushed me to become a better teacher. 
  5. I ran the 400 hurdles in high school and never lost in my county during my senior year.   Then I went to States and finished 7th. It's a big world out there. 
  6. I make a mean chicken marsala.
  7. I know how lucky I am to have the parents I do.
  8. I am a Vice-Principal in the school I use to attend.  
  9. My favorite music group is Guster.
  10. My favorite teams are the Yankees, Knicks, and Steelers.
  11. My wife is an organizing genius. She can fit 25 hours into a day, I don't know how she does it.

So here are the questions Andrew had for me:

1. What is your favorite quote about education?

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Teddy Roosevelt

2. What are you most passionate about in life?
My children, seeing the world through their eyes. My son is an organizer, an analytical problem solver, and an amazing reader. My daughter Kate is a risk taker, she constantly tests her limits and we just hoping she doesn't burn the house down.

3. If you were having students work in groups, how many should the group have to be most effective?

4. What is your favorite Sunday activity?
Watching the Steelers with my family.

5. Which twitter chat is your favorite?

6. Who inspires you the most?
Professionally -- Tony Sinanis -- His positive outlook on education is inspirational.

7. What advice would you give to someone interviewing for a job?
Get connected before you come in for the interview. Everyone is better when they work together.

8. What will classrooms look like in 20 years?
I believe the most important thing in a classroom in 20 years will still be the teacher. An engaging teacher does more to inspire kids than anything. In 20 years we will have the tools for everyone to connect more easily and have education become more individualized and game-like. I am hopeful that in 20 years teacher will be a lot like doctors, identifying an area of weakness and prescribing what the treatment should be.

9. Most significant historical event/sporting moment you've seen "live" in person?
I was in the bleachers at Yankee Stadium for David Wells's perfect game.

10. What is your greatest professional accomplishment?
My greatest professional accomplishment was/is the creation on my Professional Learning Network. Nothing has changed the trajectory more of my career than the relationships I have built with educators on Twitter.

11. Best concert you have ever been to?
I was at Giants Stadium listening to Dave Matthews Band one summer. Even though it was about 100 degrees with 100 percent humidity they were amazing. They came out for their encore and began playing "John the Revelator" and as they sang 'let it reign down on me', lightning streaked across the sky and it began to pour. Yes, I believe God is a Dave Matthews fan.  

Below are 11 educators/bloggers that I am challenging to answer my questions. I respect all of them for making me a better educator and inspiring me to do great things.

  1. Tony Sinanis
  2. Joe Mazza
  3. Gwen Pescatore
  4. Lisa Davis
  5. Michael Matera
  6. Dan Scibienski
  7. Brad Currie
  8. Dayson Pasion
  9. Stacy Lovdahl
  10. Lexi R. - Student ePortfolio -- She's dynamite
  11. Delia Bush

Here are the 11 questions I have for my blogging friends:

  1. What is one of your New Year's Resolutions?
  2. If you weren't in education, what would you be doing?  (What do you want to do when you grow up?)
  3. Favorite app? Why?
  4. If you could pick one area to change in education, what would it be?
  5. Who is someone you admire in education?
  6. Favorite book? Why?
  7. Do you buy lottery tickets?
  8. How long does it take you to write a blog post?
  9. Who was your favorite teacher?  Why?
  10. What was the best advice you ever received?
  11. What is the ideal number of students in a classroom?

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